Certificates of appreciation given to İKSAD by the State of Libya, Government of National Unity, Ministry of State for Women's Affair of Libyan Government
Libya Kadın İşleri Bakanı Dr. Huria Eltarmal tarafından takdir edilmek bizim için onur verici. Bu, Enstitümüzün ve İKSAD'ın değerli akademisyenlerinin kadın sorununu, özellikle Ortadoğu bölgesi başta olmak üzere dünya gündemine taşımak için yapmış olduğu titiz çalışmaların sorucudur. Libya Devleti, Ulusal Birlik Hükümeti ve Libya Kadın Bakanlığı İKSAD'a ve çalışanlarına teşekkür mektubu ve belgelerini iletmiştir.
Great honor to be hailed by the Minister of Women's Affair of Libya. This was a result of rigorous work done by our Institute team to propose womens' issue onto the agenda around the world, especially in the Middle East region. Appreciation letters and certificates given to İKSAD by the State of Libya, Government of National Unity, Ministry of State for Women's Affair of Libyan Government. Link for press release blow.
"Respected Dr. Mustafa Latif EMEK, President of İKSAD
Respected Mrs. Samira Khadhraoui ONTUNÇ, Head of Foreign Relations Department
Dr Huria K. M. Eltarmal the State Minister for Women's Affairs in the Libyan National Unity Government sends you thanks and appreciation for your contribution to the success of the Libyan Women's Conference for Recent Studies."
We wish you all the best and wish the IKSAD continued success.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdussalam Ali Ahmed
14 January 2022
İKSAD Africa and Bani Waleed University Cooperation
İKSAD in Africa's goal to discuss and develop scientific and cultural ties between Turkey and Arfican Continent.
We celebrate our partership in Bani Waleed University for being host of 4th African Summit