Global Scientific Diplomacy
Republic of Türkiye

Message from the President
Here at İKSAD, we are also trying hard to make tangible contributions to local, national, and global development. Through technology transfer and commercialization, our research results should lead to creating new industries and jobs, and ultimately to improving our quality of life. To realize that goal, we are actively promoting worldwide networking of scholars and researchers by giving them opportunity to conduct social and scientific researches and share the outcomes in our platforms, so that they may blaze new trails with a fearless pioneering spirit. Convergence and innovation in education and research never stop on the İKSAD PLATFORM. Interdisciplinary research projects constantly spring up, and ongoing collaboration across the world with individuals, institutes and universitiess continues to give new inspirations to our members. World-class universities and research institutions, while small in number, play a catalytic role in advancing human affairs and welfare, economic growth, scientific progress, and cultural achievement.
While firmly anchored in the pursuit of excellence, The İKSAD Institute aspires to reach beyond the traditional models of research institutions and universities: it is a novel institution dedicated to the pursuit of excellence by addressing regional problems of global significance. As part of its net network establishing mission among researchers and young leaders it offers a global hub exclusively to a limited number of young scientists throughout the world aspiring to become future leaders in academia and research. Our networking facilities intensive, rigorous and very demanding based on meritocracy. They are intended for those eager to shape and drive the international knowledge economy of tomorrow, those who share our vision that future peace and prosperity is founded on social justice and enabled by science and technology. I invite to join the truly international research community operating from Turkiye and partnered with some of the leading universities and research centers of the world.
İKSAD always welcomes interested individuals, researchers, and professors. I hope you will come to İKSAD and take advantage of our world-class networking and research opportunities. I am convinced your decision to come to İKSAD will prove an excellent choice.
Thank you.
Mustafa Latif EMEK
(PhD in Economics)